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We are passionate champions of risk management and steadfastly support risk practioners in helping them to realise its full potential for the organisations in which they operate.

MERC & CO’s core values (see below) are more than simply words on a page. They reflect a commitment amongst our Partners as to how we behave every day, and how we wish to be judged.


Our team is composed of highly skilled professionals who bring our clients a wealth of practical experience in risk management. We pride ourselves on our depth of knowledge, quality and our continuous pursuit of excellence, and stop at nothing to get the best possible results for our clients. We focus on bringing those we serve an assuredness and clarity in approach, as well as an unprecedented level of personalised service.


We want our clients to feel like they have the most skilled, motivated and passionate people in the industry looking out for them and their organisation. However, we are not omniscient, and we will not, nor pretend to, always have the answers. We remain open and humble to new ideas and advice, including a commitment to actively seek out our client's input, guidance and opinion throughout an engagement; feedback is genuinely valued and acted upon.


We deliver in a manner and style which reflects our natural personalities: professional and knowledgeable, yet straightforward, unstifled and personable. While the contractual engagement with our clients may be badged as ‘business to business’ (B2B), the practical day-to-day reality is a ‘human to human’ (H2H) relationship. We therefore invest significant time in understanding who our clients are and their needs and preferences, at both organisational and personal levels.


MERC & CO offers risk management leaders the specialised support and advice needed to help them meet the ever-growing expectations of executive teams, boards, regulators, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Our team, selectively hand-picked and comprised solely of seasoned professionals, is dedicated to providing our clients with solutions that address the complex needs and challenges inherent to today’s risk environment.

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